Painting Directory
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Oil Painting Reproductions, Rembrandt, van Gogh, Klimt, Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Lempicka, Hopper and many others on canvas.

My site shows my works on porcelain in a genre of a miniature, a landscape, a portrait and others.

ARTRECORDIFF Reproductions of famous old master paintings, impressionnists, moderns, religious, victorians, orientalists

Oil Painting Reproductions of Masterpieces of Old Masters, browse by artist or collection; Impressionists, Pre-Raphaelites, landscapes, and still lifes

Paintings, sculpture & murals by Paul Herman. Paul works in the Renaissance tradition with impressionist influence.

Exclusive fine art oil-paintings and drawings available as originals and prints. Erotic and non-erotic renaissance-style artwork.

Paul Herman is a realist painter working in the Renaissance tradition with impressionist influence. Paintings, portraits, murals, sculpture, oil on canvas, landscapes, still life plus Paul's Art-Q quiz & animated shorts

Web Site of the Italian painter Rubens Galzenati from Verona. Reproductions of Masterpieces of Old Masters, portraits and landscapes.

Site consacré aux peintures de Henry Cousinou, artiste figuratif né à Paris en 1927, vivant à Marseille. Son œuvre unique et originale donne une large part au rêve et à une méditation poétique sur les civilisations disparues. Il expose à Marseille depuis …