Painting Directory
Artistes du HangART
Le hangart est une galerie d'art contemporain installée dans l'ancien relais de poste de Bonnieux , joli village du Luberon en Provence ...
On y trouve les œuvres d’une dizaine d’artistes : tableaux, sculptures mais aussi meubles
Le hangart est une galerie d'art contemporain installée dans l'ancien relais de poste de Bonnieux , joli village du Luberon en Provence ...
On y trouve les œuvres d’une dizaine d’artistes : tableaux, sculptures mais aussi meubles
Miguel Tió
Illusionay and Sensual Oil Paintings
Illusionay and Sensual Oil Paintings
Maarten J. Jansen
The paintings of abstract art
The paintings of abstract art
Maarten J. Jansen
The paintings of abstract art
The paintings of abstract art
Litzy Achache
A travers ses tableaux, LITZY nous entraine dans un voyage original en couleurs et en chansons ...
A travers ses tableaux, LITZY nous entraine dans un voyage original en couleurs et en chansons ...
Nicolas Deschamps
Des mondes parcellaires éclatés mais cohérents.. Je cherche a créer un monde, un espace ou chacun peut pénétrer et y retrouver sa propre imagination, un ensemble de mondes colorés. C est une peinture dynamique qui peut être considérée à la fois comme figu…
Des mondes parcellaires éclatés mais cohérents.. Je cherche a créer un monde, un espace ou chacun peut pénétrer et y retrouver sa propre imagination, un ensemble de mondes colorés. C est une peinture dynamique qui peut être considérée à la fois comme figu…
Leo LaBelle
The art of Leo LaBelle
The art of Leo LaBelle
Narhatim Bikulov
Oil, acrylic, watercolor paintings and drawings, sculpture and crafts by contemporary Russian artists. Abstract art, nude, landscape, still life, surrealist. Artworks for sale are presented, delivery of ordered.
Oil, acrylic, watercolor paintings and drawings, sculpture and crafts by contemporary Russian artists. Abstract art, nude, landscape, still life, surrealist. Artworks for sale are presented, delivery of ordered.
Frederic Gracia
Here is the most representative work of the art painting of frederic gracia,a famous french artist known by murals and trompe l'oeil
Here is the most representative work of the art painting of frederic gracia,a famous french artist known by murals and trompe l'oeil
Site de NASTAFLU, artiste plasticien Girondin, collagiste, peintre, sculpteur, musicien... En dehors de toute mode et de toutes certitudes. Il travaille à partir d'affiches déchirées pour recomposer des images melant abstraction et figuration p
Site de NASTAFLU, artiste plasticien Girondin, collagiste, peintre, sculpteur, musicien... En dehors de toute mode et de toutes certitudes. Il travaille à partir d'affiches déchirées pour recomposer des images melant abstraction et figuration p
Angelo Mazzoleni
Artist Italy:paintings oil on canvas
“The origins ,the microcosmos ,the dimensions of the ligts”
Angelo Mazzoleni was bom in Firenze 7-6-52.He lives and works in Bergamo (Italy)…
Artist Italy:paintings oil on canvas
“The origins ,the microcosmos ,the dimensions of the ligts”
Angelo Mazzoleni was bom in Firenze 7-6-52.He lives and works in Bergamo (Italy)…
Marina Zobova
Gallery Joseph Fine Art is a private gallery located in Prague Czech Republic.The gallery represents the artists Marina Zobova and Janna Semencova.our gallery is concerned with the promotion and sales of contemporary artwork.In our on-line catalogue we ha…
Gallery Joseph Fine Art is a private gallery located in Prague Czech Republic.The gallery represents the artists Marina Zobova and Janna Semencova.our gallery is concerned with the promotion and sales of contemporary artwork.In our on-line catalogue we ha…
Gabotto Pascal
peintures et dessins de paysages
peintures et dessins de paysages
Marina Zobova
Gallery Joseph Fine Art is a private gallery located in Prague Czech Republic.The gallery represents the artists Marina Zobova and Janna Semencova.our gallery is concerned with the promotion and sales of contemporary artwork.In our on-line catalogue we ha…
Gallery Joseph Fine Art is a private gallery located in Prague Czech Republic.The gallery represents the artists Marina Zobova and Janna Semencova.our gallery is concerned with the promotion and sales of contemporary artwork.In our on-line catalogue we ha…
Edgar Soberon
This site shows the work of cuban born painter Edgar Soberon
This site shows the work of cuban born painter Edgar Soberon
Miot Alain
Architectures colorées, formées de masses souvent grises, toujours très en matière, qui ne sont ni cubistes, ni expressionnistes, entre le figuratif et l’abstrait.
Architectures colorées, formées de masses souvent grises, toujours très en matière, qui ne sont ni cubistes, ni expressionnistes, entre le figuratif et l’abstrait.
Alexis Ruyer called RUYAL, French painter, with through his work on the colour and the pictorial light.
Voluntarily figurative works the sea, water and the mountain are not there by chance.
Alexis Ruyer called RUYAL, French painter, with through his work on the colour and the pictorial light.
Voluntarily figurative works the sea, water and the mountain are not there by chance.
Cecile Prost - Christian Borsotti
We are a couple of french sculptors: Come and take a look in our virtual gallery.
We are a couple of french sculptors: Come and take a look in our virtual gallery.
the relational artist yann dumoget proposes his interactive web site in flash.You can make graffitis on line with the mouse on his paintings and organize real meetings. At this occasion, you'll be able to make graffitis on real paintings from t
the relational artist yann dumoget proposes his interactive web site in flash.You can make graffitis on line with the mouse on his paintings and organize real meetings. At this occasion, you'll be able to make graffitis on real paintings from t
Gregg Simpson
West Coast Canadian artist, Gregg Simpson, was internationally recognized in the 1970s and 80s as a Neo-Surrealist. He now works in a more abstract mode. Simpson was the subject of a television documentary made on his work in 2003, entitled A New Arcadia,…
West Coast Canadian artist, Gregg Simpson, was internationally recognized in the 1970s and 80s as a Neo-Surrealist. He now works in a more abstract mode. Simpson was the subject of a television documentary made on his work in 2003, entitled A New Arcadia,…
Bavella Laurent
Laurent Bavella, drawing, painting, photography, modelling, childish art of the whole world, imaginary characters of human size…
Laurent Bavella, drawing, painting, photography, modelling, childish art of the whole world, imaginary characters of human size…
Garachon, Patrice
Galerie de peinture virtuelle de Patrice Garachon. Biographie, Démarche artistique, galeries thématiques réactualisées, atelier, journal.
Galerie de peinture virtuelle de Patrice Garachon. Biographie, Démarche artistique, galeries thématiques réactualisées, atelier, journal.
Jack Galvin
Jack Galvin is a contemporary Canadian artist, living and painting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Visit to experience his vibrant, positive vision, given genesis during a 1960's stint in Yorkville, now matured into a more refle
Jack Galvin is a contemporary Canadian artist, living and painting in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Visit to experience his vibrant, positive vision, given genesis during a 1960's stint in Yorkville, now matured into a more refle
Nachin Anne
Le site présente quatre pastels et six
peintures à l'huile. Il comporte des peintures
de facades imaginaires et des natures
Le site présente quatre pastels et six
peintures à l'huile. Il comporte des peintures
de facades imaginaires et des natures
Florence Rondel
Le parcours de cette jeune artiste
plasticienne cotée commence en
1991. Plasticienne, designer
mobilier, graphiste, creatrice d'objets
destinés à l'édition, création de
logos, de cartes de visite.
Le parcours de cette jeune artiste
plasticienne cotée commence en
1991. Plasticienne, designer
mobilier, graphiste, creatrice d'objets
destinés à l'édition, création de
logos, de cartes de visite.
Escha van den Bogerd
Escha van den Bogerd (1972)
Escha van den Bogerd was born in The Hague, Holland where she attended the Rudolf Steiner school, a school with many art subjects including painting, drawing and art history.
After leaving school Escha followe…
Escha van den Bogerd (1972)
Escha van den Bogerd was born in The Hague, Holland where she attended the Rudolf Steiner school, a school with many art subjects including painting, drawing and art history.
After leaving school Escha followe…
Thomas Saliot
Découvrez la galerie d'art parisienne de ce talentueux artiste peintre
Découvrez la galerie d'art parisienne de ce talentueux artiste peintre
Chambion Christine
Traces, tears, fragments... as many images as time reveals with our glances. Beyond appearances, the fugitive or real trace attracts us towards other shores.
Traces, tears, fragments... as many images as time reveals with our glances. Beyond appearances, the fugitive or real trace attracts us towards other shores.
Busset Marie-France
Marie-France BUSSET Artiste peintre, coloriste, peint la couleur, la chaleur et la lumière sur des toiles avec des effets de matière, exprime pleinement sa personnalité d'artiste, dans des paysages sur la Provence, la Bretagne, l'Au
Marie-France BUSSET Artiste peintre, coloriste, peint la couleur, la chaleur et la lumière sur des toiles avec des effets de matière, exprime pleinement sa personnalité d'artiste, dans des paysages sur la Provence, la Bretagne, l'Au
Domen Lombergar
The digital art of new age Slovenian artist Domen Lombergar ~ Free video tutorials for Adobe Photoshop CS, free wallpapers, free skins for winamp 5, funny celebrity caricatures, interviews, forums, comics and much, much more...
The digital art of new age Slovenian artist Domen Lombergar ~ Free video tutorials for Adobe Photoshop CS, free wallpapers, free skins for winamp 5, funny celebrity caricatures, interviews, forums, comics and much, much more...
Ferrara Michel
Huile sur toiles, avec inclusions, glacis, matière. Semi-figuratif coloriste. Exposition permanente galerie Palangka au Castellet 83
Huile sur toiles, avec inclusions, glacis, matière. Semi-figuratif coloriste. Exposition permanente galerie Palangka au Castellet 83
Hayter, stanley william
Art Gallery for prints and illustrated books. Lithograph and etchings by the XX century masters.
Art Gallery for prints and illustrated books. Lithograph and etchings by the XX century masters.
Auboiron Michelle
Michelle AUBOIRON - Painting in action
Virtual Gallery of Michelle Auboiron, French painter.
Live painting around the world, large size, where the essence of the figurative and the vigorousness of the abstract are reconciled.
Favorite intere…
Michelle AUBOIRON - Painting in action
Virtual Gallery of Michelle Auboiron, French painter.
Live painting around the world, large size, where the essence of the figurative and the vigorousness of the abstract are reconciled.
Favorite intere…
Anchise Picchi
Paintings, sculptures, drawings by the old tuscan master Anchise Picchi.
Paintings, sculptures, drawings by the old tuscan master Anchise Picchi.
Olga Konoschuk
Contemporary Art by Olga Konoschuk
Contemporary Art by Olga Konoschuk
Charles Campbell
Contemporary painting by Jamaican born artist
Contemporary painting by Jamaican born artist
Alioto Hebe Beatriz
painting on canvas acrylic figurativ style expressionsiste southamericane
painting on canvas acrylic figurativ style expressionsiste southamericane
Jose Arjonilla
Abstract Modulation, Jose Arjonilla's pictorial original creation, Andalusian contemporary artist
Abstract Modulation, Jose Arjonilla's pictorial original creation, Andalusian contemporary artist
Pauget Hubert
Illustrations des poèmes d’Arthur RIMBAUD et autres oeuvres abstraites : les peintures, les sous-verre, les vitraux, les sculptures en aluminium.
Illustrations des poèmes d’Arthur RIMBAUD et autres oeuvres abstraites : les peintures, les sous-verre, les vitraux, les sculptures en aluminium.
Select Artists - Gallery
An Art Gallery of Original Paintings for sale online. Paintings of landscapes, floral/flower, wildlife, still life, and farms.
An Art Gallery of Original Paintings for sale online. Paintings of landscapes, floral/flower, wildlife, still life, and farms.
Jourdain, Jean-Yves
[Re]discover the daily: terreorange, a picture
everyday; photo, drawing, painting.
[Re]discover the daily: terreorange, a picture
everyday; photo, drawing, painting.
Patrick Bancel
Web site dedicated to the french master of realistic paintings. A must seen
Web site dedicated to the french master of realistic paintings. A must seen
Ernie Gerzabek
Online gallery of contemporary artist Ernie Gerzabek exhibiting nature inspired evocative and abstract paintings.
Online gallery of contemporary artist Ernie Gerzabek exhibiting nature inspired evocative and abstract paintings.
Garret Françoise
Françoise Garret artiste peintre Paris Portraitiste Nu Paysage Fleurs Marine Cours peinture dessin Huile Aquarelle Fusain Gouache Acrylique Pastel Sanguine Créateur de lumière Infographie Image de synthèse
Françoise Garret artiste peintre Paris Portraitiste Nu Paysage Fleurs Marine Cours peinture dessin Huile Aquarelle Fusain Gouache Acrylique Pastel Sanguine Créateur de lumière Infographie Image de synthèse
Kumiko S. McKee
A contemporary Japanese artist based in Colorado. The gallery called KOTO contains a series of Japanese cultural images that features themes from the world’s oldest novel, The Tale of Genji. The series uses classical techniques to create realistic i
A contemporary Japanese artist based in Colorado. The gallery called KOTO contains a series of Japanese cultural images that features themes from the world’s oldest novel, The Tale of Genji. The series uses classical techniques to create realistic i
Bijon Thomas
Digital Art by Thomas Bijon : Digital paintings the art of painting with photos. Digital art in contemporary art. Digital art in the way of techno-romanticism
Digital Art by Thomas Bijon : Digital paintings the art of painting with photos. Digital art in contemporary art. Digital art in the way of techno-romanticism
Bui Xuan Phai
Bui Xuan Phai (1920-1988) was one of the most remarkable, most charming and most unusual figures of Vietnamese modern art.
Bui Xuan Phai (1920-1988) was one of the most remarkable, most charming and most unusual figures of Vietnamese modern art.
Santiago Paulos
South american art (latin american art) of portrait painter Santiago Paulós. Fine Arts.
South american art (latin american art) of portrait painter Santiago Paulós. Fine Arts.