Painting Directory



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Japan.gif Fumihiro Kato
These contemporary artworks are represented with Fumihiro's Own Painting Technique that anyone have never created before.
France.gif Besnardiere Frédéric
Frédéric Besnardière est un peintre voyageur naïf surréaliste, qui peint des scènes de vie ramenées des nombreux pays qu'il a visité (Vietnam, Inde, Népal, Madagascar, Thailande, Mongolie, Russie, Maroc). Toutes ses oeuvres sont peintes à l'huile, sur boi…
Turkey.gif Munire Yurdayuksel
Münire Yurdayüksel’s work is an eminently sensitive and sensual art. The paintings and engravings, carefully and cleverly composed, tame at first by perception, then by imagination, and finally seduce with their sensitivity. There is no doubt that her w…
Belgium.gif Wallez Emmanuelle
Emma créations est un site où vous pouvez découvrir les oeuvres d'une artiste belge débutante travaillant différentes techniques.
France.gif Frandsen Emile
This site dedicated to Emile Théododre Frandsen present 150 views of paintings, sculptures, poems. His biography in French and English describe the orginal work and life of this painter. His painting ,"La Fille au bouquet", illustrate the Eric Clapton …
France.gif Philippon Claude
A canvas, some brushes, a peel of color, the continuation? It is on the site…
France.gif Collet Bernard
Paintings and pastels, drawings, collages and paper cuts around nature and history. Nature through rocks and forests, leaves,waters and skyes; History, broken statues, steles and temples left by history to our questioning present. Travel documents…
United_Kingdom.gif Van Renselar
Abstract art originals and limited edition prints by abstract artist Van Renselar. Artworks created for home interiors and corporate spaces.
France.gif Trabaud Virginie
Virtual art gallery presenting of many paintings at the mortar and the Corsica acrylic resin, landscapes (Sagone, Renno, Guagno, Oporto...) and French areas (Brittany, Normandy.) And much of other single and original creations to discover.
Belgium.gif Alisa Cazacu
Oil paintings gallery based on contemporary cubism.
Canada.gif Charles Carson
THE CARSONISM «Charles Carson’s painting is divided into two approaches which are both distinct and complimentary. One was even named "Carsonism" by some art critics and historians. This approach is not easy to describe, but generally speaking it is compo…
France.gif Renaud Pascale
Pascale Renaud is a French native self-taught painter. Discover her last paintings using acrylic and mixed techniques. her field of expression is often geometrical abstaction based on highly coloured squares.
Croatia.gif Marinko Skelin - Skela
paintings, oil on canvas.
France.gif ZABH
Peintures oniriques et intimistes,inspirations méditerrannéennes, hommage à l'enfance et à la féminité...
United_States.gif Richard Sperry
Painter experimenting with different styles and techniques.
Argentina.gif Martín La Spina
Official site of the artist Martín La Spina: Important gallery of images of his paintings , oils, mural paintings, drawings, illustration, stained glass.
France.gif Armand pascal Aniambossou
Armand Aniambossou: The greatest black painter, Creator of Forcubism
Canada.gif Charron, Colette
Recherche de la texture, de la luminosité, un travail intense sur le personnage, et une belle production sur le nu qui dégage une sensualité suggestive...
France.gif Deveaucanson cecile
presentation de mes toiles .oil on canvas
France.gif Roudneff
Le site du peintre Roudneff, un artiste d'origine russe installé en Haute-Savoie.
Latvia.gif Zalans
new paintings from Ilgvars Zalans
France.gif Fournival Sylvie
peinture à l'huile, couteau et pinceau, paysage de provence, mer méditerranée, venise, fleurs, muses, scène de tauromachie, copie de grands artistes
France.gif HERMANCE Marie
Marie Hermance, painter, presents her online gallery, mixing surrealism, abstraction and expressionism.
France.gif Le Verre André
Spiritual paintings from french artist, Andrew Le Verre. Dream images in God's inspiration. "Cosmic resurrection" : This painting brings you inner peace! 40 paintings, 20 drawings, 23 reproductions for sale.
United_States.gif Edie
Paintings of musician and painter Edie. A Dutch native, American resident who likes to sing in French. Rich in color and sensuality, please stop by and come browse.
France.gif Strill joel.
Sculpteur Joël Strill, l' atelier de sculpture en Bretagne sud. stage de sculpture d' initiation, stages de sculpture de perfectionnement, la sculpture sur bois, bronze, pierre, plâtre, résine, les fresques et galeries.
France.gif Fantinati
artiste peintre nimois utilisant les matieres naturels et industriels pour des tableaux contemporain "Abstraction contemporaine" Des matériaux d'autrefois et d'aujourd'hui naturels ou industriels en symbiose avec les couleurs du monde actuel…
Canada.gif Charles Carson
CARSON is considered by critic one of the current contemporary great painters. Rising figure of the market of Canadian painting, Carson without any doubt an artist to be discovered is. The artist has the art of restructure his drawings with elegance o…
France.gif Dumont Bruno
Galerie virtuelle de l'artiste peintre contemporain bruno dumont .Aquarelle,acrylique,technique mixte .Atelier-galerie "du pigment dans la vie".9 av de la mer 14150 ouistreham .
France.gif Broc'h
Broc'h Artiste peintre de l'hôpital Camfrout Près de Daoulas en Bretagne Vous invite à partager son monde pictural. Des corps et des nus artistiques plus emprunts de sensualité que d'érotisme
France.gif Carole Bressan
The painting of Carole Bressan, ornamentations, greediness and imagination, takes as a starting point the the Eastern imagery...
France.gif Nout Lequen
Painter located at Meylan, Isere. The artist makes a success of, through paintings, but also of drawings, to make pass its felt, by the forms used, the colors employed, the way of expressing itself. It is partly abstract, partly figurative. imaginatio…
France.gif Stoeffler Guy
peintre coloriste abstrait, ma peinture fait naviguer l' imagination au gré des peintures réalisées.
Guatemala.gif Arte Guatemalteco - Guatemalan Art
Guatemalan art: painting, sculpture, performance. From the precolombian period to the present.
France.gif L'Am'Art est haute
Welcome on a french artists society website. You may discover their artistic and cultural environment. Oil, Acrylic, Watercolour.
France.gif Tessier Hervé
France.gif Philippe Hérard
Acrylique sur toile
France.gif Denèfle dit Niala, Alain
Exposition en ligne des oeuvres de NIALA, Artiste-Peintre Figuratif classé dans la tendance Primitifs Modernes. Galeries d'exposition rétrospectives et actuelles.
France.gif Thézé Arnaud
Virtual Painting Gallery
Cuba.gif Yuri Moreno Ruiz
Site d'art contemporain Gravures , Dessin et installations
United_States.gif Marcia Babler
Fine Art paintings, photography and mixed media by Chicago contemporary artist. Exhibiting nationally, the artist's work reflects contemporary society.
France.gif Lopicki Bernadette
Art gallery of paintings and sculptures of B Lopicki. Orientalist and contemporary painter. Announce Exhibitions art gallery and markets of contemporary art. Courts of plastic arts
France.gif Regnier Paul
interesting pastel paintings
France.gif Rafenomanjato Denise
This website shows Denise Rafenomanjato’s paintings in oils, a colorfoul and true work.
France.gif Frédérique Fourquet
Peinture abstraite, huile sur toiles, aquarelles, encres. Un travail sur la couleur, la transparence et la matière.une dualité entre le noir et le blanc, couleurs chaudes et couleurs froides, le geste sans repentir et la matière travaillée dans l'épaisseu…
France.gif Emöke
I work on a “Haute lisse” – that means a standing-up weaving machine - with classical gobeline-technique, but I use other techniques as well like relief- or other methods.
Switzerland.gif Vogel, Pierre
Bienvenue sur le site de Pierre Vogel Pierre Vogel a créé le Pavillon de la Tulette pour inviter des artistes contemporains qu'il estime.On pourra y voir des expositions de céramistes, de graphistes, de photographes, de graveurs, de sculpteurs et bien…
France.gif Leslie Greene
contemporary abstract painter artist american living in paris
France.gif Rohrbach, Aline
A passion, a spontaneous painting, like a soul's mirror
France.gif Fatou, jean-michel
FATOU peintre contemporain dévoile une œuvre libre, imaginative à tendance expressionniste et narrative. Démarche introspective, tournée vers les autres. Humour, éléments dérangeants cohabitent.

